Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Faith Challenge

Today I joined with Emilie ( from pupsqueak ) The Faith  Challenge. So right now I am reading through the book of Genesis. It is interesting how when you read through the the Bible just so that you can say " I did my devotions." you never get anything but a bunch of jumbled words out of it. When you read it because you really want to learn and you really want to fellowship with God, you suddenly see it in a different light. Some of you are like " Wow Rachel, I knew that since, like, a year old." Yes, I knew it too, but I never exactly followed through with it, you know what I mean? Anyway, I want to thank Emilie for encouraging me to do this. Will you take this step too?
     Thanks 4 Rambling!


  1. thanks so much for accepting the challenge. :) so often i read my devotions just 'cause i know i need to. you have challenged me to do them because i want to. :)


  2. I took the step! But I never thought of it that way... Thanks for more encouragement!

  3. It can be hard to think of it the right way, but we should all keep trying...

  4. Wow, really good post. I was doing the same thing until the youth conference :)
